Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Anatomy of the Sandwich - The Draft - Buon Amici

Now this one was quite interesting.  What do you get when you combine Chicken Cutlet, Fresh Mozzarella, Caramelized Onions, Pepperoni with spicy ranch and hot sauce?  The Draft.  I was hesitant to order this sandwich, especially because I hate hot sauce.  But I was surprised at the outcome of what seems like a Frankenstein of a sandwich.  Hit the jump for the rest of the autopsy. 

This sandwich was of course made at the legendary Buon Amici in Scarsdale.  While I have been overlooking that sandwich for quite some time I decided to take the plunge.  I figured let me try it out, its got pepperoni and chicken cutlet.  The last time I had that combination was when I went to subway last year and got a chicken pizziola.  Which the retarded Subway guy explained to me was like a chicken on a pizza.  I remember that not turning out too well.  But this time was different.  I could not believe that onions, chicken, and pepperoni actually worked together.  Not to mention the addition of the ranch on the hot sauce.  It was just the right amount of everything so nothing was overpowering.

If you guys want to try something unusual that also tastes pretty good then go grab a Draft.  Especially if you like spicy stuff, and if you like pepperoni its a no-brainer.  I did not get what I was expecting, I got something much better. 

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