Saturday, February 26, 2011

Anatomy of a Sandwich - Nutella Panini with Walnuts

Ok, this one was entirely my idea.  I received the inspiration for this sandwich, a few weeks ago when I made a nutella, peanut butter, and chocolate covered pretzel sandwich.  Eventually I ordered one of these, a nutella panini with walnuts, and I'm addicted.

I've been making nutella sandwiches for quite some time, but recently I have been trying to figure out how to make it better.  The obvious combination that I tried first was nutella and walnuts.  That eventually evolved into the chocolate covered pretzel mutation.  I've also tried combinations of bananas, walnuts, and peanut butter. 

The problem with all my creations was that they were all on two soft pieces of whole wheat bread.  Now don't get me  wrong, they taste good.  But its more candy than sandwich.  Supposedly that's how people in Italy eat the stuff.  But according to one of my friends they usually cook a nutella sandwich like a grilled.  I tried it, and that was what I had been missing all along.

My breakthrough was when me and Steve decided to order a nutella panini at Buon Amici.  We had noticed the addition of the nutella panini on the chalk board, and we had been contemplating it for quite some time.  So a week ago we took the plunge, and ordered one.  But before the guys made the sandwich, I decided to ask them if they could throw walnuts on it.  The guy behind the counter looked confused at first, but then he looked at me and gave me a thumbs up.

As soon as me and Steve got into the car we ripped the bag open and each took a half.  After I saw the expression on Steve's face after he had taken a bite, I knew I had done it.  The crispiness of the panini with the melted nutella really compliment each other pretty well.  With the addition of the walnuts, it makes you feel like you are actually eating something besides chocolate and bread.

I know most places probably don't make nutella sandwiches, but if they do order one with walnuts.  You can't go wrong.  And if you are lucky enough to go to Buon Amici on occasion, the one that they make is incredible.  Trust me, I just had my second one yesterday.  Its like a dessert on a sandwich.


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