Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dolphins 0-6, are the Dolphins the New Jets?

I had the pleasure of watching the Miami Dolphins lose yet another game at home in Miami.  At the stadium the seats were empty and the crowd was not quite enthusiastic.  I was expecting another devastating loss for the Dolphins, considering the underwhelming Jets had taught them a thing or two last week.  However, the Dolphins performed much better than I expected and managed to prevent the Broncos from scoring for the majority of the game.  Unfortunlately there was a surprise twist at the end of this game.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Heading Down the Home Stretch

I need to focus on my ability. My last day of school is rapidly approaching. July 3rd will be my last day of class for God knows how long. I have been meaning to get back to writing on here for a while, but I've been busy trying to tie up some loose ends with school. Fortunately, there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Unfortunately, the end of the tunnel might be approaching too quickly.

Monday, April 18, 2011

On My Way Back Home - Both Literally and Figuratively

Here I am typing on my sweet new Samsung 900x3a, an empty shell of a man, or in my case the empty shell of a great man.  And by empty, I mean completely full; I ate a lot of food yesterday.  I haven't been "here" for a while, and I am trying to change that.  School has been a little too easy lately, although I have a bunch of stuff piling up that I should be working on now.  This is obviously much more important.  Today is a fresh start for me.  It's time for me to "get back in shape."  I've got a long way to go, on my way back home.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mini Movie Review - Buried - Watch a Guy Named Paul Try to Escape from a Box

How does this sound for a movie? A guy named Paul, working as a contractor in Iraq, is kidnapped by a bunch of terrorists and is buried alive. The entire, and I mean entire movie, is about this guy named Paul trying to escape from a box buried underground. When I first read about this movie, I assumed that the majority of the movie would focus on the box, with flashbacks and other scenes. Man was I wrong, the entire movie just has one scene and one actor. Join me for this mini review on Buried starring Ryan Reynolds, and see why this movie may or may not be worth your time.

Monday, March 7, 2011

This is Not a Filler Post - Beard/New Haircut/Wolverine Update Important

Actually this is a filler post. I've hit a little dry spell right now, though I did have some posts planned for this week. Lets just say some of them needed some major revisions due to some unforeseen circumstances. But its Monday, and I have neither class or work, which is an anomaly, and I have nothing to do so I figured I'd write some stuff. I knew if I didn't write anything soon, I would actually go insane, more insane than I already am. So here we go.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Anatomy of a Sandwich - Nutella Panini with Walnuts

Ok, this one was entirely my idea.  I received the inspiration for this sandwich, a few weeks ago when I made a nutella, peanut butter, and chocolate covered pretzel sandwich.  Eventually I ordered one of these, a nutella panini with walnuts, and I'm addicted.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm Almost Back/Dr. Dog at Terminal 5

Well, I don't want a thing to do with your kind.  And I ain't got no time to kill on your dime.  I haven't written anything in a while because I have been extremely busy with school, work, the gym, and everything in between.  However, by the end of this week I'll be done with this trimester.  I definitely want to rev up my posts on here.  I got some some new ideas for this site.  I am already planning some posts on stock picks, and I have some more reviews ready in the pipeline.  Overall things have been going pretty well for me lately.  I am somehow managing to BS my way through numerous school projects and papers without any hitches.  I have also been getting really good results form the gym, especially in the last few days.  Let's just say I found a "new" source of motivation.  And to top off an already amazing week, I got to go see Dr. Dog perform at Terminal 5 for a second time.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Quest to Find a Scary Movie

I have been on this quest for quite some time.  I am a huge fan of horror movies, and I have been trying to find a movie that is scary, captivating, and enjoyable.  I have only found a few that contain all three of these characteristics.  I want to make this quest a joint effort.  So I will document my findings here for all of you, and hopefully you guys can makes suggestions.  If I get enough people working on this maybe we can find something good.  Please join me on my quest to find a movie that will truly scare the shit out of all of us.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Music Pick of the Week - Two Door Cinema Club - Tourist History

I discovered these guys almost a year ago. I got the album, but never listened to it until about a few months back. Late is always better than never, and for Two Door Cinema Club's debut album, Tourist History is better than most. TDCC has an upbeat contemporary pop sound that would fit perfectly in most car commercials. Even if that doesn't make sense to you , it is a great album to listen to while driving at night. While this kind of pop isn't my favorite genre, this album is highly addicting and I can't get enough.

Two Door Cinema Club - I Can Talk by SuperFresh

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Movie Review: Black Swan - More like Black Swan dive off a cliff and down a flight of stairs

Talk about an overrated movie.  I watched this movie because I've been hearing good things about it online, and from friends.  My cousin Joe, went out of his way to tell me that it is a must see movie.  Directed by Darren Aronofsky, known for directing the films The Wrestler and Requiem for a Dream.  I loved The Wrestler, but this movie just didn't do it for me.  Aronofsky is known for dark and gritty film-making.  I had issues going into the movie knowing it is a dark psychological thriller about a ballet.  But hey, we live in modern times, and people like this contemporary bullshit.  For those of you out there who want to see it just for the lesbian sex scene between Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis, yes you know who you are, don't waste your time or money.  Besides neither of them are hot anyway.  While the film might have some highlights, it does not live up to all the hype.  Hit the jump to hear more.
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