Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Christmas Eve Story: Death of a Salesman's Jeep

Twas the night before Christmas, and I was on my way to Brooklyn to visit my Grandma.  My mom was already in Brooklyn, and I was driving down with the rest of my family.  What we all believed would be a short 35 minute drive, turned out to be a three hour ride from hell.  What had happened on that night could only be retold justly through a full length feature film, however I lack the time, resources, and money to produce such a film.  I will do my best to describe what happened last night as vividly and accurately as possible in this post.  Let us all be grateful on this Christmas day for everything that we have, including each other, and let's hope my Jeep can be brought back to life or that I get a new car for Christmas.  Either would be fine.  

Sunday, December 19, 2010

And the Jets are Back! 22-17

After an unsurprising loss from the NY Giants, which cut into the beginning of the Jets game, the Jets returned to the field in hopes of turning around their losing streak.  Lets not get me started on how bad the Giants are.  I mean they just lost the most embarrassing way possible.  Anyway, thankfully the Jets represented New York by beating the Steelers in an extremely close match.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Anatomy of the Sandwich - IXtapa w/bacon from Buon Amici

So this is the beginning of the my eternal quest to travel the world in hopes of finding the greatest sandwich ever created.  This post will be the first of many to discuss the anatomy of the sandwich.  Great tasting food is something that many people overlook.  Especially in these "hard" economic times people are less willing to spend a little extra when it comes to food.  People have become content with the McDonalds, Burger Kings, and Domino's of the world.  Now I am not saying that I don't eat any of that stuff myself, I eat it all the time.  However, I only go to those places when I have to.  I'd rather find some deli or other food place that makes something that actually has some quality even though it might cost me a bit more to buy.  Bottom line is that good food is one of the few things in life that can bring people together and truly make people happy.   That is why my favorite hobby is eating.  Now only if I could get paid to eat then I would be golden.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Its Bulking Time - Paul's Ultimate Workout Split


Its that time of the year again.  Just when I thought I was on a roll with cutting, I found my self with a roll with butter.  I find my myself wanting to lift and eat more everyday.  A few months ago I was down to about 177, I weighed myself this morning and I'm 191.  At this point my diet has gone to hell, and the past fews weeks I've only made it to the gym a few times.  I literally just ate two sandwiches from Burger King, onions rings fries, and chicken fries.  For lunch today I had pizza, actually lots of pizza.  My diet is currently unstoppable in the sense that it can't be stopped.  At this rate I'll be 200 in no time.  However, the worst part about the whole thing is that I lost my motivation to go to the gym, and also coincidentally my motivation to shave...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jets vs Dolphins - Trouble ahead or Rex Ryan Conspiracy

Things don't seem to be going well for the New York Jets.  They weren't able to clinch the AFC east against the Patriots last week, and on Monday they couldn't even hold their own against the Dolphins.  The beating that the Jets took from the Patriots was hard to recover from, as hard as it would be for any team in that situation.  I, along with many other people thought Monday would be an easy win for the Jets.  Lets be honest, the Dolphins aren't too great of a team.  However, the Jets haven't been playing too great lately either.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops Review - Three Thumbs Thown

Call of Duty Black Ops
I figured Black Ops would be the perfect start for my video game review.  Again, I haven't figured out a system for rating games, music, movies etc so this is subject to change.  In general, I will provide as little detail and reason as necessary to make my case for any particular game.  In this case, I will have no problem getting to the point because within the first 5 minutes of playing I realized that I had been ripped off.  Unfortunately I can't get my 60 dollars back at this point.

Brandon Flowers Solo Album/Concert Review

This year was a big year for Killer's fans.  While the Killers decided to go on break lead singer Brandon Flowers recorded a solo album called Flamingo in early September.  The Killers are my favorite band and I was excited to hear any new material even if it was only from one of its members.  I followed the release very closely finding live versions of many of the songs before the official release.  Having a good idea of the main concept of the album I had a good feeling about things to come.  
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