Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First Manning, Now Brady - Rex's Rampage Continues - Jets are one step closer to the Superbowl

For those of you who thought my prediction that the Jets would beat the Patriots was BS, I thank you.  It is people like you who made everyone believe the game would be a walk in the park for the Pats.  Fortunately, for the Jets, this happened exactly the way Rex Ryan wanted.  The game on Sunday, probably the biggest upset of the year followed by the Colts game, will be remembered by many.  The Jets set records against the Patriots in both sacks and interceptions.  They are on the road to the Superbowl, and Ryan’s master plan is falling into place.  The underdogs are victorious, and only the Steelers stand in the way of the Superbowl.  Ladies and Gentlemen, the New York Jets mean business.

They went into the game with the whole world against them, Colts, Patriots, and Giants' fans alike rooting against them.  Which I think is stupid.  If I liked the Colts, I would rather the Jets go all the way so after wards I could say we got beat by the best team.  Unfortunately, people are stupid and would rather see the Jets lose so this way every team thereafter would be better than them.  Regardless, the only ones rooting for the Jets seemed to be the fans and unfortunately the Jets they were not playing at home.  So here are the Jets, away from home surrounded by thousands of people who want to see them lose.  Even three of the four announcers were convinced the Patriots would have an easy win.  It was a nice feeling to see the Jets defy all odds and successfully beat one of the best if not the best team in the league.  It was nice to see most of these fool proven wrong.

Now I know you are going to say I am just as biased as the rest of them.  That may be true.  But I don’t really make stupid predictions.  In the end all teams have an equal chance of winning.  Anything can happen in any game.  Every player is human and there is not one player that stands way above the rest.  While there are differences in skill among teams and players I think it comes down to faith.  I had faith in the Jets like many fans, but more importantly the Jets had faith in themselves.  So my prediction wasn't too crazy after all.

Lets talks about the game a bit.  The Jets made Tom Brady ruin his streak of having over 300 passes without an interception, and I am glad that the Jets were the ones to do it.  Along with sacking Brady five times the Jets successfully made the Patriots look like, well, not the Patriots.  Though the Patriots did lose they put up a good fight.  The Patriots had two pretty awesome onside kicks which could have put them back in the game, but the Jets were able to handle them gracefully.  Sanchez, by the second half had really found his groove, and the Jets got their defense down perfectly.  The game was simply epic.  Even if the Patriots would have come back and won it still would have been a great game.  I think the Patriots look worse for this game than the Jets did for losing the last.

In the end Ryan got his way.  Before the game he admitted Bellichick was probably the best coach of all time.  But Ryan said he just needed to be the best coach for one day.  Ryan, with the help of the Jets, was able to do just that.  If you asked someone during the season if the Jets would make it to the Superbowl, you might have gotten a few maybes.  Now if you asked if the Jets would make it to the end, beating both the Colts and the Patriots along the way, you would have been thrown in the nut house.  The bottom line is that the Jets are almost there, and the Steelers are the only thing in the way.

While many Jets fans are optimistic, I am not.  If people favor the Jets in the next game they will no longer be the underdogs and Ryan's plan could be shot to hell.  The Rex Ryan conspiracy does exist, the win over the Patriots proves it.   I don't think Ryan planned on playing the Steelers.  I am hoping that the Steelers will be favored, but people might think differently after the Jets just finished beating the Patriots.  Nevertheless, I will try my best to keep my faith in the Jets.  I know they need me now more than ever.  This week's game is a big one, but the Jets are in good hands, Ryan's hands.  Lets hope my next post is about the Jets making it to the Superbowl.  Keep the faith.  God Bless America, God Bless John G, and God Bless the New York Jets.


  1. so long a Rapistberger, doesn't get his hands on any of the younger jets, he shouldn't be a problem

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  3. The Steelers are still favored by 3 points last I checked. Though they are coming with a huge amount of confidence as they should be! I know its been a week, but the win over the Patriots was huge and I'll just reiterate my enthusiasm with a short clip from John Stewart...


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